Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Beginners guide for Hyperion Planning Backup

Ok, so this is one of the most common and widely available documentation that you can find on Hyperion. 

What is the backup mechanism for Hyperion Planning and related applications ?

I am just going to make things easier for beginners to get started with backup strategies:
In case of server recovery, you need to have the following things ready 

1. LCM export of Planning and Essbase
2. LCM export of Shared Services 
3. Folder contents of Financial Reports 
4. ODI Master and Work repository 
5. Essbase data

Essbase.sec file can be backed up as well, but that wont be necessary if you already have LCM exports of Essbase and Shared services.

I will not cover FDMEE and other applications here.

As a good backup startegy, it is advisable to have at least seven days (week) of backup. So the easiest way is to have a backup folder location having seven folders with name of each day and then automate the LCM and data copy commands.

Here is a quick reference guide for each automation script

1. LCM export of Planning, Essbase and Shared Services (EPM uses the EXPORT and IMPORT.xml files in LCM folders, newer versions can use a profile file directly)

cd D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\bin

D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\bin\utility.bat D:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\bin\Export_BUD.xml -b D:\Prod_Process\Backups\HYPPROD


2. Data Export Maxl (Call this through a Shell/cmd )

login admin password on essbase_server;
alter application HypApp disable connects;
export database HypApp.FCST all data in columns to data_file 'D:\\Backups\\HYPAPP\\HYPFCST_ALL.txt';
alter application HypFcst enable connects;


3. Finally copy the contents to a secure location, see a simple code below

@echo off
cd D:
REM /* parse Date value to get day of the week (System calendar should be English REM US ex. Tue 03/20/2016) if no, change the system date settings or below code REM */

for /f "tokens=1" %%i IN ("%Date%") DO ( echo %%i & set dow=%%i )
echo day of the week is %dow%

REM Delete folder with the name of day of week
rmdir D:\Prod_Process\BACKUPS\FILES\FROM_PROD\%dow% /s /q

REM Recreate folder once again 
mkdir D:\Prod_Process\BACKUPS\FILES\FROM_PROD\%dow%
echo Directory recreated : D:\Prod_Process\BACKUPS\FILES\FROM_PROD\%dow%

REM Copy contents from remote server to backup folders
REM You can alter the paths here 
xcopy \\server-39\d$\Prod_Process\Backups D:\Prod_Process\BACKUPS\FILES\FROM_PROD\%dow% /E /Y && xcopy \\server-38\d$\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem2\ReportingAnalysis\data D:\Prod_Process\BACKUPS\FILES\FROM_PROD\%dow% /E /Y

echo Folders copied


Once the above script is automated through task scheduler, it will create folders with names Sun, Mon, Tue and so on and copy the contents from source to target.

4. ODI Master and Work Repository Export 
Create a package which exports these two repositories and convert it into a scenario. 
Refer to this wonderful blog for exporting repositories

Automate the scenario execution (Refer to my older post for ODI automation). Copy the zip files to a secure location using the script mentioned above.

5. Financial Reports Backup
Once you ensure that Planning and Essbase applications are restored, you have to copy the contents of RM1 folder from here 


and paste it to the recovered server, then restart the Financial Reporting services. It is therefore necessary that you backup the above mentioned folder

This much is enough to get started with backup automation. You can try many other things as you progress. 

Cheers !

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